Bookseller Catalogs

October 2015 Catalog

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

October 2015 Catalog Monthly miscellany of literature, history, and illustrated works. Includes: two 'shoulder strap edition' Civil War memoirs; scarce 1931 facsimile of the extremely rare 1832 transatlantic journal kept by the designer of the Brooklyn Bridge; pair of business guides marketed by a tax evader with ties to Al Capone; work by the founder of the Hippie commune known as The Farm; guide to various religions written by a cousin of John Adams, with a subscribers list including him and other important American figures following text.

How to request a print version: Printable PDF

Elbert Hubbard and the Roycroft Press

By The Book Block

Elbert Hubbard and the Roycroft Press The Roycroft press served as an outlet for Hubbard’s writing and those of many of his favorite authors. It also helped to familiarize the public with the Arts and Crafts movement. Although the work of the press did not achieve the high artistic and quality standards of Morris’ English Kelmscott press, Roycroft publications fostered interest in American printing, bookbinding and graphic arts.

Jett W. Whitehead Rare Books - CATALOG 96 - MODERN POETRY

By Jett W. Whitehead Rare Books

Jett W. Whitehead Rare Books - CATALOG 96 - MODERN POETRY A catalog of 84 modern poetry titles, featuring signed and inscribed items by W. H. Auden, Elizabeth Bishop, Rita Dove, T. S. Eliot, William Everson, Robert Frost, Jim Harrison, Jane Kenyon, Robert Lowell, Theodore Roethke, Gary Snyder, Wallace Stevens, and many others.

How to request a print version: Printed copies of Catalog 96 are available by emailing us: with your postal mailing address.

A Catalog of Theatrical Ephemera September 2015

A Catalog of Theatrical Ephemera September 2015 Craig Clinton has just prepared A Catalog of Theatrical Ephemera, including items such as play bills, prints and magazines, covering the following topic categories: Actors, Japanese Theatre Prints, Opera, Play Ephemera, Portraits, Programs/Broadsides, Scenery, Sheet Music, Spectacles, Theatre History, Views, Miscellaneous. This richly illustrated catalog provides a fascinating view into the world of the theater from the eighteenth century to the recent past. For those with an interest in the topic, there is much to look at. The pdf catalog available for download here orders these items chronologically within the topic categories. The items can also be viewed online at In either format we hope that exploration of this catalog will be both an enjoyable and a worthwhile activity.

Catalogue 62: Illuminations

By John Windle Antiquarian Bookseller

Catalogue 62: Illuminations Our latest in fine illuminated books and manuscripts including stunning miniatures and illuminations from the 13th through the early 16th century, as well as the very first book printed by computer from the 19th century.

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